Advanced Products and Test Methods (APTM)

The primary objective in Subarea 2.1 is to use the knowledge obtained in the framework of the K-ind Programme as a basis for further work on the proof-loading process, and, using this as a basis, to create a new grading process and compare and contrast this with existing grading units. Additional to the known bending and eigenfrequency procedures, it is intended to make available a process from which, via the non-destructive tensile strength test (‘proof loading’) and the determination of the alternation in length, conclusions can be drawn regarding the static elastic modulus in tension. This is in particular of considerable importance for glued laminated timber production. In this way, a cross section can be designed whose rigidity has been optimised. At the same time, this will enable maverick values to be separated and ensured using the chosen proof level. It is also intended to choose the proof level dependent on the E-modulus in tension of single boards ascertained during the proof-loading process in order to be able to subject higher-quality goods to higher loads. With this precondition, it is intended to make available ‘advanced timber products' using starting material which has been tested and graded according to rigidity. In the area of structural timber as well as glued laminated timber, it is possible – depending on rigidity requirement – to plan a specific beam or cross section structure. It should be possible to carry out this grading procedure on green lumber. Investigations to this effect are planned in order to clarify applicability.